Teacoin (TEA)
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Teacoin (TEA)

A forum for teacoin

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1TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Empty TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:39 pm


Things look good for Teacoin, price seems to slowly rise as each day passes!

If i knew how to mine, I I would be mining teacoin right now for sure!

Can't wait till we are on cryptsy!


2TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Empty Re: TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:19 pm


That's a positive move up, it seems momentum is building nicely for Teacoin.


3TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Empty Re: TEACOIN MOVING UP!!! Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:40 pm


I like that the growth is steady and hopefully this coin will be picked up by big tea retailers and not be another pump and dump coin. I also wish I could mine but for now have to buy and collect from places. I will be watching the rise with interest as I am a tea lover myself.

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